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Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Badly approximable numbers, Kronecker’s theorem, and diversity of Sturmian characteristic sequences
Dmitry Badziahin
Jeffrey Shallit
p. 1-15
Birational Nevanlinna Constants, Beta Constants, and Diophantine Approximation to Closed Subschemes
Paul Vojta
p. 17-61
Approximation of values of algebraic elements over the ring of power sums
Clemens Fuchs
Sebastian Heintze
p. 63-86
Sato–Tate Distributions of Catalan Curves
Heidi Goodson
p. 87-113
Extremal Sidon Sets are Fourier Uniform, with Applications to Partition Regularity
Miquel Ortega
Sean Prendiville
p. 115-134
Curves of fixed gonality with many rational points
Floris Vermeulen
p. 135-149
Brauer–Manin obstruction for zero-cycles on certain varieties
Evis Ieronymou
p. 151-166
Classical forms of weight one in ordinary families
Eric Stubley
p. 167-217
Spherical Heron triangles and elliptic curves
Tinghao Huang
Matilde Lalín
Olivier Mila
p. 219-246
On the Finiteness of Perfect Powers in Elliptic Divisibility Sequences
Abdulmuhsin Alfaraj
p. 247-258
Lower bounds for regulators of number fields in terms of their discriminants
Shabnam Akhtari
Jeffrey D. Vaaler
p. 259-282
Galois representations over pseudorigid spaces
Rebecca Bellovin
p. 283-334
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Potential diagonalisability of pseudo-Barsotti–Tate representations
Robin Bartlett
p. 335-371
Generalized Pell’s equations and Weber’s class number problem
Hyuga Yoshizaki
p. 373-391
-adic hypergeometric functions and syntomic regulators
Masanori Asakura
p. 393-451
Numbers which are only orders of abelian or nilpotent groups
Matthew Just
p. 453-466
Rational points on symmetric squares of constant algebraic curves over function fields
Jennifer Berg
José Felipe Voloch
p. 467-480
Sur le biais d’une loi de probabilité relative aux entiers friables
Gérald Tenenbaum
p. 481-493
-curves and the Lebesgue–Nagell equation
Michael A. Bennett
Philippe Michaud-Jacobs
Samir Siksek
p. 495-510
Generalization of a density theorem of Khinchin and diophantine approximation
József Beck
William W. L. Chen
p. 511-542
Computing Euclidean Belyi maps
Matthew Radosevich
John Voight
p. 543-565
Homothéties explicites des représentations
Aurélien Galateau
César Martínez
p. 567-590
Asymptotic behavior of class groups and cyclotomic Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves
Toshiro Hiranouchi
Tatsuya Ohshita
p. 591-657
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
Computing the Cassels-Tate Pairing on the Selmer group of a Richelot Isogeny
Jiali Yan
p. 659-674
Explicit Reciprocity Laws for Formal Drinfeld Modules
Marwa Ala Eddine
p. 675-695
Ensembles de petite somme, structure de sous-criticité
Robin Riblet
p. 697-749
Sandpile groups of supersingular isogeny graphs
Nathanaël Munier
Ari Shnidman
p. 751-774
A note on weighted simultaneous Diophantine approximation on manifolds
Demi Allen
Baowei Wang
p. 775-794
Mahler measure of
Mahya Mehrabdollahei
p. 795-817
An uncountable Mittag-Leffler condition with an application to non-archimedean locally convex vector spaces
Andrea Pulita
p. 819-840
The size function for imaginary cyclic sextic fields
Ha Thanh Nguyen Tran
Peng Tian
Amy Feaver
p. 841-866
Unit Reducible Fields and Perfect Unary Forms
Alar Leibak
Christian Porter
Cong Ling
p. 867-895
Reverse engineered Diophantine equations over
Katerina Santicola
p. 897-904
Abelian geometric fundamental groups for curves over a
-adic field
Evangelia Gazaki
Toshiro Hiranouchi
p. 905-946
A geometric approach to the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics
Aaron Landesman
p. 947-997
The exact order of discrepancy for Levin’s normal number in base 2
Roswitha Hofer
Gerhard Larcher
p. 999-1023