Instructions for Authors
Initial Submission
Publication Deadlines
Preparing a manuscript
Instructions related to accepted papers
Initial Submission
Before you submit
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items:
1. The paper is not already published or currently to appear or under consideration by another journal.
2. Authors are entitled to and accept responsibility for submitting this article on behalf of any and all co-authors.
3. Authors have obtained all the permissions required for any material used from other copyrighted publications in the paper .
4. Bibliographic references and funding acknowledgement are exact.
A contribution intended for publication should be submitted though this the submission website of the JTNB.
Authors chose a member of the editorial board (Managing editor or a Section Editor close to their area). Based on the reports, the editor makes a recommendation to the Comité scientifique, and the latter decides in fine to accept or to reject the submission.
The title and author names should appear on the first page. Also include a reasonably brief and self-contained abstract.
The final version of accepted articles must be a TeX file, preferably a LaTeX2e file.
Publication Deadlines
Actuellement le délai moyen entre la soumission d'un article et sa parution effective dans un fascicule est d'environ un an et demi.
Preparing an manuscript
For the preparation of the final manuscript, please consider the following points:
- Except the encapsuled postscript or pdf files for figures, the latex file must be self-contained (please avoid personnal style files).
- The latex file includes the complete postal and e-mail addresses of all authors.
- The latex file includes abstracts in both languages french and english.
- All the reference items are cited in the text, and are listed in alphabetical order according to the JTNB style.
- Articles must be prepared using the journal LaTeX class (jT.cls) and, if possible, a configuration file for BibTeX (cdraifplain+eid.bst). Examples of BibTeX entries are available on MathSciNet.
Instructions related to accepted papers
The final electronic manuscript (typed in LaTeX) should be deposited to the submission site in your author account.
Offprints : Authors will receive one issue and 20 free offprints.